William Paddock & Reaghan Roper

January 25, 2014, Nashville Tennessee


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About Us


W meets R in History Class


W&R’s first Date (Applebee’s)


W&R’s learn they both love Harper Lee


W&R’s first trip (Mardi Gras)


W Graduates & Moves to Nashville


R Graduates & Moves to Nashville

8.1.2008  R&W become



R&W buy/remodel house


W pops the question and 

R says “yes”!


W&R move back to Nashville


W&R move to New York & New Jersey


The Big Day

Relationship Timeline

Reaghan and Will made history when they met in History Class at the University of Alabama. As Will tells the story, Reaghan was the “ cute mexican girl” in his history class and to Reaghan, Will was the guy who kept sitting closer to her and constantly opening the door for her. After establishing that Reaghan was only doing her spanish homework during history class, Will pursued Reaghan as an innocent “study partner” to help raise his history grade. After two study sessions, the couple realized how much they had in common. For example, they both drove the same car and waved to one another on campus for years. Both had ties to Frazier Memorial Church in Montgomery Alabama, Reaghan’s first church and where Will’s parents were wed. With these similarities in mind, Will asked Reaghan out on a lunch date and the couple had an underwhelming first date at Applebee’s. Refusing to let one bad date set the tone, WIll tried again. The rest as they say is History. Nine years to the day later, Will and Reaghan will be married. Thank goodness for second dates, Volkswagons and history class.


W & R start the “Cabrio Waves”

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